Basil Batov Logo Image
Basil Batov

WayWay | AI Lifestyle Planning App

WayWay is an AI lifestyle planning app that helps you plan your day, whether that be on a gloomy day in your local neighbourhood or a skiing adventure in the Alps. Powered by AI, WayWay is able to provide you with the best recommendations for your day, based on your preferences, real time factors such as weather, and travel options.

Project Image

Project Overview

WayWay uses a large MongoDB Atlas Database of places data, connected to the backend via a Flask API. Queries to the database are made using MongoDB Atlas Vector Search, using OpenAI vector embeddings to find similar places to the user's preferences. LangChain and OpenAI are used to extract novel information from the returned places documents, such as the sentiment of the reviews, and the sentiment of the place's description. This information is then used to provide the user with a more personalised experience according to their preferences.

The team is comprised of 4 members, with myself as the lead AI engineer. I am responsible for the AI and ML aspects of the project, including the development of the AI models, and the integration of the AI models into the backend. We are actively developing our concept, learning new skills and networking with potential investors and partners, and hope to release a demo in the coming months.

Tools Used

MongoDB Atlas
MongoDB Atlas Vector Search